Programming Basics

Learn to think as a computer scientist using tools conceived for this very purpose and start writing programs in a full-fledged programming language

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Responsive Web Design

Learn to use web technologies, namely HTML and CSS, to design web pages that scale to different screen sizes (e.g. mobile, tablets, TVs, etc.)

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Web Development

Master server-side web technologies, such as Apache HTTP and PHP, to build dynamic web applications whose content can adapt to different contexts.

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Discrete Mathematics

Learn to think of computer programs as mathematical structures and use mathematical theories with respect to the latter structures accordingly.

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Electronics Basics

Study this branch of physics and understand basic components of electronics (e.g. diodes, transistors) to build interesting circuits.

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Arduino Robots Basics

The invention of Arduino has led to a breakthrough in the field of microcontrollers. Master this technology to build amazing digital devices.

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Machine Learning

Build adaptable computer systems that can learn and iteratively copy to changes without having to specifically program them.

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